We got good news at the cardiologist on Friday. We met with Dr. M to get the results of JD's stress test and his progress in cardiac rehab thus far. He passed his stress test, it didn't show any other blockages only that he had a recent heart attack which was very much expected. His
ejection fraction (does anyone else have to re-read that word about 5 times before it makes sense? Just me?) is up to 50%. That is the very low end of normal, most people walk around at 55%-60%. This is much better than the 45% he left the hospital with. He's doing better! YAY! His report from cardiac rehab was also good. His heart rates and blood pressures all look great during exercise. Dr. M released him to go back to work full time with no restrictions on Tuesday, with a follow up with her ARNP in 3-4 months and a cholesterol check in about 3 weeks to make sure his dosages are correct. Now I have to figure out who's going to do my dishes. I think it's about time to teach the young ones how to load the dishwasher.
Speaking of young ones. We are having a great time this summer.
We've gone fishing,

had a water balloon fight

and even took a trip through the mall on the little train.
We have plans to visit the zoo and spend some quality time on local walking trails.

I hope everyone has a great Fourth of July! I'll be at work tonight, you can come keep me company if you want to! I'll be at the 37th street Walmart, more than likely folding shirts.

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