Today however has been a 180 degree shift. We started out the day with cardiac rehab, our first appointment. We met with a nurse and had a long chat about what caused J

They have classes every Wednesday on different topics like diet, exercise and anatomy of the heart. We will go to a few of those. I'm sure we'll go to the diet and nutrition one and I would like to go to the anatomy and physiology of the heart. I've been thorough anatomy and physiology 3 times and I just love learning about these things. We'll probably go through the stress management class as well, not that we have any stress, no not us!
We ran errands after that, we have some friends coming to stay with us from out of town for a month or so. I needed to get some cleaning supplies and various sundry items that had been put on the back burner while money was so tight here recently. JD did good through all of our running around, he had been getting fatigued pretty easily but luckily we made it through about 3 hours of errands and he still had enough energy to make us some lunch and watch a movie! Definitely much better than yesterday.
I'm so proud of all he is doing for himself! He's changed his whole life around. He used to eat lots of red meat, drink about 5 or 6 Mountain Dews and go through a little over half a pack of cigarettes. That was his existence, now we're trying out the different flavors of Crystal Light so we can find some we both agree on. He hasn't had a cigarette for a week and a half, same with Mt. Dew. He's really been a trooper. I'm so glad he's been so agreeable with all these changes, my stress level would probably be about 20 times higher if he weren't willing to at least try every day!
Let's just hope that in the future there will be more good days than bad days. I know with the number of changes that everyone in your family has to make will be difficult. As the tatto says on your arm, if you look at things differently, they change. It goes something like that. I cannot remember it exactly. Keep up the good work and remember to be good to yourselves!! Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you are able to write here, and voice all of your feelings and what you're going through. Tell Jay (JD, if he prefers) that I am SO proud of him for stopping smoking and stopping the sodas.
ReplyDeletei hope this new change (they're in Illinois as i type!) will not be as stressful on you all as it could be... I'll definitely be praying and thinking of you! Hang in there!